Mental Health Education and News

Invoking Technology to Improve Health

Personal Health Information Transformation

Nathan E Botts 0 1047 Article rating: No rating

For the majority of my life, I've been physically active and healthy. Even though I've always had a few extra pounds, I strive to eat healthily and work out often. That didn't stop age and some pandemic laxity from catching up with me. My doctor and I were a little concerned about a couple things at my yearly appointment in December. I made a goal of exercise for January and better eating in 2022.

The AHRQ Question Builder App

Helping patients and caregivers prepare for medical appointments and maximize visit time

Nathan E Botts 0 2777 Article rating: No rating

The AHRQ QuestionBuilder app helps patients and caregivers prepare for medical appointments and maximize visit time.

  1. Download the mobile app.
  2. Select or create questions to ask.
  3. Save the questions to a calendar appointment or send them to any email address so that the information is handy during medical visits.*

The Guide to Getting & Using Your Health Records

An Office of the National Coordinator published web guide

Nathan E Botts 0 18421 Article rating: No rating

This newly published web guide from ONC titled, "The Guide to Getting & Using Your Health Records: The steps, tips, and tools you’ll need to get, check, and use your health record" helps to instruct consumers on how to get their health record from healthcare providers, their rights to those records, and some specific ways in which to get a hold of that information.