Sponsored by: Netsparker - Scan your websites & detect SQL Injection, XSS and other vulnerabilities with the dead accurate Netsparker web security scannerYou know what really surprised me about this whole WannaCry ransomware problem? No, not how quickly it spread. Not the breadth of organisations it took offline either and no, not even that so many of them hadn't applied a critical patch that landed a couple of months earlier. It was the reactions to this tweet that really surprised me:
Why is malware effective? Because of idiotic advice like this: "Stop Windows 10 from automatically...
I woke up to a flood of news about ransomware today. By virtue of being down here in Australia, a lot happens in business hours around the world while we're sleeping but conversely, that's given me some time to collate information whilst everyone else is taking a break. The WannaCry incident is both new and scary in some ways and more of the same old stuff in others. Here's what I know and...