PHI Education and News
Not-So-Hidden Gems in the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule: Get to Know the Conditions of Certification Not-So-Hidden Gems in the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule: Get to Know the Conditions of Certification

Not-So-Hidden Gems in the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule: Get to Know the Conditions of Certification

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Don’t get me wrong, the information blocking regulations are important, but let’s not forget that the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) and our implementing regulations (Cures Act Final Rule) had a few other impactful provisions. In particular, certain changes to the ONC Health IT Certification Program may seem like “more of the same” for health IT developers, but in reality they are really important and beneficial to clinicians, researchers, and the public alike. Two new education resources are now available specifically geared toward these audiences to describe “what the rule says” and...
Back to the Future: What Predictive Decision Support Can Learn from DeLoreans and The Big Short Back to the Future: What Predictive Decision Support Can Learn from DeLoreans and The Big Short

Back to the Future: What Predictive Decision Support Can Learn from DeLoreans and The Big Short

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In the third blog in our series on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-driven predictive models (data analytics tool or software) in health care, we discussed some potential risks (sometimes referred to as model harms) related to these emerging technologies and how these risks could lead to adverse impacts or negative outcomes. Given these potential risks, some have...

Actionable ways to meet the 2015 Edition Cures Update requirements

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The 2015 Edition Cures Update made several changes to the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Certification Program), including new functionalities; new, removed, and revised criteria; and new requirements establishing the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification. This means that most health IT developers of certified health IT (certified health IT developers) will be required to update their certified Health IT Modules by December 31, 2022. As we approach this deadline, it is important to remember that meeting the Certification Program requirements and avoiding non-conformities is up to each certified health IT developer.

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Minimizing Risks and Maximizing Rewards from Machine Learning

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When talking about artificial intelligence (AI) today, people are usually referring to predictive models—often driven by machine learning (ML) techniques—that “learn” from historic data and make predictions, recommendations, or classifications (outputs) which inform or drive decision making. The power of ML is in its enormous flexibility. You can build a model to predict or recommend just about anything, and we have seen it transform many sectors.
The potential for ML and related technologies in health care is exciting.

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On the Road to Cures Update: Certified API Technology

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The moments we’ve all been waiting for since 2016 are fast approaching: the 21st Century Cures Act infrastructure is coming into place in 2022! The Cures Act laid out a vision for a rich health IT ecosystem of standards-based APIs and nationwide health information networks to securely open up electronically accessible information to patients themselves and to health care professionals supporting their care. As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, progress on nationwide network integration via TEFCA continues apace,

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We Can Attest: 100% Compliance for First-Time Attestations

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Health IT Modules certified through the ONC Health IT Certification Program provide end users with confidence that the technology they depend on to provide care lives up to its certified capabilities. This confidence includes the actions and business practices required of Certified Health IT Developers through the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification requirements, which collectively promote interoperability and foster competition in health IT. The 21st Century Cures Act required ONC to include attestations as a Condition of Certification in the Certification Program,

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New Testing Method Available for Standardized API Criterion

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ONC has approved the Drummond Group’s Drummond G10+ FHIR API powered by Touchstone tool, a new alternative test method (ATM) for testing conformance to ONC’s §170.315(g)(10) Standardized API for patient and population services certification criterion. Through this new ATM, software developers will now have a new option for conformance testing in addition to the previously approved Inferno (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit. The approval of Drummond’s testing method continues ONC’s mission to further diversify the suite of test methods used as part of the ONC Health IT Certification Program.

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What’s New in the 2022 Approved Standards via Standards Version Advancement Process

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We are pleased to announce the publication of the Approved Standards for 2022 for our annual Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP). The SVAP is designed to make ONC’s Certification program responsive to industry needs by allowing for better alignment to industry efforts for standards advancement, removing barriers for standards development and version updates, and improving the ability for health IT developers to provide relevant, timely, and innovative solutions to their clients.
Beginning August 29,

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Calling all Beta Testers: New Opportunity to help ONC Update the Inferno Test Tool

Beginning March 2022, Inferno, ONC’s test tool for the “standardized API for patient and population services” certification criterion, will support beta testing for the Health Level Seven (HL7®) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) US Core Implementation Guide (IG) 4.0.0. This new...

A New Window into How Certified Health IT Is Being Used

In section 3009A of the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016 (Cures Act), Congress created the “Electronic Health Record Reporting Program” and required health IT developers participating in the ONC Health IT Certification Program to publicly report certain information about their certified health IT...

What You Need to Know About the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification

Now that the dust has settled ever so slightly on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) Cures Act Final Rule, we wanted to dive a little deeper into the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification provisions. What exactly are the Conditions and...


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